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Will there be a physical version in the future? I'm getting it digital rn but I love having your work physically. I have a whole section of my bookshelf that is just your works 😅🤣

Aw, I'm honored to hear that! 

I didn't design the zine with a print version in mind, and to be perfectly frank with you a lot of folks don't seem to be interested in this zine (it's sold less than 10 copies) but it isn't out of the question for it to get printed one day.
Knowing at least one person is interested sure is nice though! ❤


these are great! i think my favorites are the fairy, xenomorph, nagas, and imp :D

Thank you!! :D


cute art!



Nothing for Q?

(1 edit) (+2)

Q is for Queen! (It's the red outfit and is a reference to one of the shorter audios we did.)

 Can't believe I forgot to put that on the list, it's fixed now though!